Tuesday, August 17, 2004

“Citius, Altius, Fortius"

Sabia que o heroi dos jogos olimpicos de Berlim foi um atetla chamado Jesse Owens?

Sabia que nesse jogos Hitler planeava propangandear a superioridade da raça ariana?

Sabia que Jesse Owens era Negro?

Sabia que este Homem apesar de se ter tornado um simbolo da liberdade propagandeada pelos USA, sofria na pele as consequencias da segregação racial que ainda existia (perdurou por mais anos) em vários estados dos USA?

A liberdade é tão bonita. E a distorção da História também.

"Despite his success, the financial instability of the Owens family continued. Shamefully, at that time in America he was not offered any endorsement deals because he was black. In an effort to provide for his family, Jesse left school before his senior year to run professionally. For a while he was a runner-for-hire, racing against anything from people, to horses, to motorcycles. The Negro Baseball league often hired him to race against thoroughbred horses in an exhibition before every game. Jesse even raced against the some of the Major Leagues fastest ballplayers, always giving them a 10-yard head start before beating them. "

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